Monday, February 28, 2011

Kit Cat Diaries -> 28 FEB

Guess what? Something came for me in the mail! And I've never even knew mail existed in the first place.

Ooh it's a card... ...kinda got a shock when I opened it, thought I was looking at a long lost twin.

Let's see what it says... ...some curly whirly stuff here... ...ah forget it I can't read. Can someone bring a translator in?'s from my parents...ooh...uh-uh...hmm...hey how did they know I was eating other people's food? Someone's ratting on me...shucks...


  1. i just stumbled upon your blog, the cat by the card is too funny! looks like you are having so much fun traveling! i'm so jealous :)

  2. Hi Cho Seng,

    I am very impressed! How many of you in the trip? Is the cat really with you all?
    YS TEO
